Welcome to
Chinese for Christ North East Bay Church
Serving El Cerrito, Hercules, Pinole, San Pablo, Richmond, El Sobrante, Martinez Chinese Communities

我们教会是「中华归主柏克莱教会」于2016年在 Richmond 创建的分堂,在经过6年的植堂努力之后,于 2022年1月1日正式成为独立运作的教会。我们的成员大都来自 Hercules, Richmond, San Pablo, Pinole, El Sobrante, El Cerrito 一带 (Northern East-Bay),也就是在「东湾的北部」,这个地理上的特殊性,所以我们教会的名称是「中华归主北东湾教会」。
主曰崇拜每週日早上11:00有 YouTube 现场直播 https://www.youtube.com/@cfcnebcchurch5109/streams
教会地址: 801 Park Central St, Richmond, CA 94803
電話: 510-402-5402
我們教會是「中華歸主柏克萊教會」於2016年在 Richmond 創建的分堂,在經過6年的植堂努力之後,於 2022年1月1日正式成爲獨立運作的教會。我們的成員大都來自 Hercules, Richmond, San Pablo, Pinole, El Sobrante, El Cerrito 一帶 (Northern East-Bay),也就是在「東灣的北部」,這個地理上的特殊性,所以我們教會的名稱是「中華歸主北東灣教會」。
主曰崇拜每週日早上 11:00 AM
主曰崇拜每週日有 YouTube現場直播: https://www.youtube.com/@cfcnebcchurch5109/streams
教會地址: 801 Park Central St, Richmond, CA 94803
電話: 510-402-5402
Our church originated from "Chinese for Christ Berkeley Church", was founded in Richmond in 2016. After 6 years of church planting efforts, it officially became an independent church on January 1, 2022. Most of our members come from Hercules, Richmond, San Pablo, Pinole, El Sobrante, El Cerrito, cities situated in the northeast bay., hence our church was named.
Our vision is to introduce our Lord to the Chinese community, let people understand that believing in Christ is affecting our daily life and will give us an abundant, and exciting life.
If you are a Christian, but you did not have a church, or, if you are not a Christian, but, you are interested in searching truth and looking for God, we welcome you all!
If you would like us to visit you, or you need us to pray for you, please contact Pastor Benjamin Yi at 510-332-0002, email at admin@cfcnebc.org
If you already have a church, please share our vision and pray for us. We sincerely welcome whoever has a desire to search for God to join our loving family!
Our Meeting Schedule
Sunday Worship on Site at 11:00 am.
Sunday Worship YouTube Live at 11:00 am https://www.youtube.com/@cfcnebcchurch5109
Prayer meeting: 1st Sunday after lunch at church.
For fellowship bible study, please visit the website for details.
Address: 801 Park Central St, Richmond, CA 94803
Phone: 510-402-5402
Email: admin@cfcnebc.org
Consultant Pastor: Jay S. Huang